We process applications in the order received (first complete applications, first processed and second complete application, second processed, and so on and so forth). We also process applications as quickly as possible where it generally takes two to three business days to complete. Often, we have to wait for return phone calls from landlords, property managers to verify residence history and persons or entities to verify income. We must verify your income, previous residence, and credit. A payment history of not less than 2 years in a timely manner from your landlord(s) or property manager(s) is often the most difficult and time consuming part of an application to verify. We will contact you if we are having trouble obtaining any information. If we cannot verify information, then we cannot move forward and will have to move to the next complete application in line. If we already are processing someone else’s completed application on the property you applied for, then your application will have to wait in line for that application to be processed. Providing daytime phone numbers to verify payment history and income can shorten the turnaround time when messages have to be left.
How long will it take to process my application?
on August 25, 2012
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